The mailerID attributes of <cfmail> doesn't work?

Benoit Hediard

> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : fluffy bananachunks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Envoyé : samedi 5 avril 2003 18:28
> À : CF-Talk
> Objet : Get rid of CFMX's silly X-Mailer ??
> How nice of CFM to create what seems to be an unchange-able X-Mailer
> header for me.  *sigh*  Is there ANY (preferably NON-commercial) way to
> change it?
> CFMX, updater 3 / Linux
> I've tried an old version of ActivMail 1.2 (which ever so kindly uses
> IT'S OWN X-Mailer instead...), and I've tried AspMail, which doesn't
> error, but doesn't seem to do anything either, so I guess it's about
> that time to go see if I can read some docs ;P
> Heck, I even tried [cffile/read, replace, cffile/write]'ing to each
> email in the Spool directory, but I think it was acting too quick and
> getting the directory list before the file was ever actually written...
>   This would only be a hack anyway, because I don't want every email
> that leaves the server via CF to have the new X-Mailer.
> If it comes down to it, then I guess I'll have to figure out some
> command line way of emailing where I can attach images and change the
> X-Mailer via cfexecute, but I'd prefer to keep it 'in code' if I can.
> I've created an Email2Blog site for the T-Mobile Sidekick, and want the
> option of being able to forward certain entries on to another SK blog
> site.  Whereas I allow/deny based on server list, he allows/denies based
> on the X-Mailer.  When I cfparam a 'new' X-Mailer, it just adds it to
> the silly CF one.  Not sure exactly what 2 X-Mailers do or don't do in
> an email header, but his site's not liking the combo...
> Anyone?
> Geo
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