Thursday, July 17, 2003, 1:31:31 PM, you wrote:
ksc> What if I don't want the default value?

ksc> How do I change the size of the texbox?

ksc> How do I change the maxlength of the textbox?

ksc> How do I attach JavaScript to the textbox?

Come know as well as I do what the answers to these questions
are. input.cfm defines default value, whether or not it is a string of
0 length or not is up to the logic in input.cfm and nowhere else. Same
with the size, maxlength, and js events. I see nothing you mention that
requires one bit of code in the UI layer in CF.

>> I see your point, almost forces developers to separate ui from
>> logic. It's entirely possible to go 100% inline with, but you
>> wont find a tutorial or book that shows how to do it anywhere.

ksc> Huh?  All you need to know is what codebehind is.

Maybe MM needs to invent a new term for cfimport and market it as a
new innovation that the world has never seen...

ksc> I think
>> it's possible to create an and MX UI layer that look nearly
>> indistinguishable, even to the trained eye.

ksc> Sure it is.  But tell me that writing something like won't be a major hassle using CF.

It wouldn't be a major hassle in CF, and would take less time to
cfquery has a major weakness when dealing with grids generally though
in comparison to ADO, but nothing that couldn't be done in the same
time, just differently. Is that a built in asp grid? If so...I have so
significant usability issues with it that would preclude me from ever
using it, otherwise it's an impressive feat. Still I could make a
dhtml grid that would be more usable imo...not to mention all the
flash grids out there.

ksc> I think it's ironic how
>> tag based is...

ksc> I'm not surprised at all.  I'm suprised it took them this long.

>> My biggest problem with is the fact that they try extremely
>> hard to force the developer to develop exactly the way they think is
>> best. Some parts of are very nice, I just think they went too
>> far...

ksc> Eh?  If you want to code "the old way", go right ahead.  There's nothing stopping 
you from putting inline stuff everywhere, and completely ignoring the event model.

I prefer the "what works" way.



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