On Monday, Aug 18, 2003, at 15:40 US/Pacific, Gyrus wrote:
> Can Dreamweaver deal with PHP code in this way? Say every page on the 
> site
> includes a header and footer at the top and bottom, would Dreamweaver 
> be
> able to understand this and allow editing?

Yes, it does. You have to ensure that the include is the only thing in 
your PHP directive tho':

        $v = "";

That will not work but the following will work:

        $v = "";

And you also have to enable:
        Preferences > Invisible Elements > Server-Side Includes:
                Show Contents Of Included File

> If it can do it, which version?

I just tested it in DWMX. I don't know whether DW4 supported that.

Sean A Corfield -- http://www.corfield.org/blog/

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