On Tuesday, Sep 2, 2003, at 21:36 US/Pacific, Matt Liotta wrote:
> If you call the test method, you will see that it executes fine, which
> indicates that public methods are accessible from both the "this" scope
> and the "variables" scope.

Yes, as you would expect.

> In the above example, method "a" is assigned to the this.b. However,
> b() is not accessible from the unnamed scope, but it is executable from
> the "this" scope even though it is declared private.

Correct. The access determines which scope the function goes in 
initially. If you create an external alias to a private function, you 
can call it externally.

As I keep saying, CFMX's access specifiers (and, indeed, 'this') do not 
behave like Java. Once you understand how CFMX is implemented, the 
behavior makes perfect sense.

- 'variables' scope contains all functions (public and private) and 
'this' and any non-public data you store in it.

- 'this' scope contains just the public functions and any public data 
you store in it.

After component creation, you can move things around and therefore 
change the behavior.

Sean A Corfield -- http://www.corfield.org/blog/

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