Hello All,

I am trying to use CFMAIL in 6.1 to email a large list that worked in CF
4.5.  Apparently MM has added additional restrictions to what can be used in
the TO parameter.

Basically I have a query that gets about 6000+ records

I then use the tag as such:

   mailerid="Unisyn Software Newsletter System -- http://www.unisyn.com";
   from="Unisyn Newsletter System <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"

In the query I have specified:
and email is not null and email <> '' and email like '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'

But it always gives the error:

Attribute validation error for tag CFMAIL.
The value of the attribute TO is invalid. The length of the string, 0
character(s), must be greater than or equal to 1 character(s).

The error occurred in
C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\unisyn\administration\emailnewsletter.cfm: line 107

105 :   <cfmail
106 :    query="sendnewsletter"
107 :    to="#sendnewsletter.email#"
108 :    mailerid="Unisyn Software Newsletter System -- 
109 :    from="Unisyn Newsletter System <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"

Does anyone know why this isn't working?

-Dustin Snell

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