Hi all,

We've been approached by a couple of other Universities who are interested
in using one of our applications developed in CF. We would be providing
them, for free, with a non-encrypted copy of our CF code and database schema
script, so they would be able to develop the application and adapt it for
their own needs. So we'd be providing them with an
as-much-as-a-cf-app-can-be open source application.

Our little problem has been tracking down a licensing agreement which we
could provide the other universities with, which covers the above
distribution model. We haven't, as yet, formally decided whether they would
be able to distribute the modified code, but I think the decision is going
to allow them to distribute any modified code.

I've had a look through the GNU General Public License and it mainly seems
to fit the bill, but I'm unsure of whether the fact that the app requires CF
to run would invalidate the license.

Can anyone point me in the right direction or have any experience/advice
they can provide?

Any help would be much appreciated,

Alex Little
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