<not necessarily sound legal advice>
    oops!  i hit the wrong key and deleted all of the files on the server.  
    i may have a recent backup somewhere...if only i were motivated enough to look for it...
</ not necessarily sound legal advice>
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Cedric Villat
  To: CF-Talk
  Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 11:01 AM
  Subject: OT: Legal?

  Ok, a client of mine has gone nuts. He is an agent for a few celebrities,
  and I had offered to create a site for one of his clients free-of-charge
  provided I was the one running the site. He has now decided to go to another
  designer, and wants me to give him the site, which as I said he has not paid

  Now, there is no written contract saying that I would do it for him
  free-of-charge, so I guess he has me there. But at the same time, since
  there is no contract saying I would do it free-of-charge, since he hasn't
  paid me, he is not entitled to the site. I told him if he wanted to pay me
  for the work, I would give it to him, but he keeps threatening me of legal
  action. Am I wrong here or is he really entitled to the site? Anyone know
  anything about the law in this case?


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