Quick followup for the archives, the compiler was still saying "int
cannot be dereferenced", but this got me on the right track, and
Integer.toString(result) did the trick.


Tuesday, October 14, 2003, 11:35:56 AM, you wrote:
CD> setVariable will ony return strings, just turn the int into a string.

CD> Try,

CD> response.setVariable("fedex.statusCode", result.toString() );

CD> or

CD> String strResult = result.toString();
CD> response.setVariable("fedex.statusCode", strResult );

CD> -----Original Message-----
CD> From: jon hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
CD> Sent: 14 October 2003 16:35
CD> To: CF-Talk
CD> Subject: java cfx tag - returning integer variable

CD> I'm having trouble setting an integer response variable in my cfx tag.
CD> Here is the compiler error:

CD> fedex.java:125: setVariable(java.lang.String,java.lang.String) in
CD> com.allaire.cfx.Response
CD> cannot be applied to (java.lang.String,int)
CD>       response.setVariable("fedex.statusCode", result);

CD> Here is the applicable code. If I change result to any string value it
CD> compiles fine. I've even tried casting result to a string...no luck.

CD> int result = httpclient.executeMethod(post);
CD> response.setVariable("fedex.statusCode", result);
CD> response.setVariable("fedex.response", post.getResponseBodyAsString());

CD> Is it possible to return an integer value to CF?

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