This is the one!

Thanks Chris.

Benoit Hediard
  -----Message d'origine-----
  De : chris kief [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Envoyé : samedi 22 novembre 2003 18:51
  À : CF-Talk
  Objet : RE: SessionTracker and session expiration

  Sam Neff talks about the reflection technique here:



  From: Benoit Hediard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2003 2:01 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: SessionTracker and session expiration

  Hi everyone,

  Looking for an article on CFMX SessionTracker.

  We have put in place a session tracker to count the number of sessions on
  our application.

  <cfset tracker = createObject("java","coldfusion.runtime.SessionTracker")>
  <cfset sessions = tracker.getSessionCollection("MyApp")>
  <cfset sessionsNb = structCount(sessions)>

  This is working fine.
  But we have recently replace the last line by :

  <cfset sessionsNb = 0>
  <cfloop collection="#sessions#" item="ID">
  <cfif structKeyExists(sessions[ID],"member")>
  <cfset sessionsNb = sessionsNb + 1>

  An advice, don't do this kind of manipulation on a regular basis (for
  example with a scheduled task), because it creates a huge memory leak :
  sessions will never expire!
  It is probably because you "touch" the session content, so it changes the
  timestamp of all the sessions...

  I'm pretty sure I've read an article concerning this issue on a CF blog
  If I remember well, the author was showing how to use java reflection to
  workaround it.
  Can't find it in the archives of CF blogs or even in google.

  Anyone remember this?

  Benoit Hediard


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