The Internet Hosting Toolkit does that very thing.

For some reason, the site is not responding right now.  If you can get to
it, email me off-list and I will send you the zip file containing the CFX's.

Mike Wolfe

-----Original Message-----
From: Dirk Sieber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2003 2:29 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Access Windows accounts through CF

Hi everyone,

I've recently had a request made to me for a specific piece of
functionality.  We run an FTP server that uses regular Windows accounts
as logins.  I've been asked if there's a way to change people's
passwords using CF on that box, as the people who FTP to it don't have
regular access to it to change their own passwords, and we don't really
want to have the admin person have to handle  every change request.

(Yes, they're aware that there's a lot of potential security issues
involved, but they still want to do it).

I've done some searches, but haven't really turned up much.  Anyone done
this before?  Code samples? ;-)


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