CFPOP works.  In fact I put a bit of effort in to make SURE it works as

What does CFX_POP3 do right that CFPOP does wrong?  What are the bug
numbers?  Currently 6.1 does not report the correct UID of each message
(something Mike D. pointed out to us), but that is fixed in the current
source - release TBD.

I can understand if CFPOP doesn't have a *feature* that you would like it to
have.  In that case let Macromedia know and maybe we can add it.

All that being said, CFX_POP3 has some nifty looking features (but it's not
written in Java I believe).  Maybe next time we are adding features to the
POP tag, we will take a hard look at making his tag obsolete. :-)

Tom Jordahl
Macromedia Server Development

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Vernon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2004 3:05 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFPOP and bounced mail

I had so many problems with CFPOP I wrote my own :)

Take a look at CFX_POP3.

It's free, I support it and most importantly, it works :)

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