Isn't now() a function in mySql too? So you could just do .....

    INSERT INTO guide (title, content, update)
             VALUES ('#title#', '#content#', now())

Should work.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 20 February 2004 10:40
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: mySQL date ?

right but thats the thing, i figured i could just use Now() and
think twice about it, until i ran it & it choked. U'd think that
would be
properly formated

so when i use
<!--- do insert now --->
    INSERT INTO guide (title, content, update)
             VALUES ('#title#', '#content#', #Now()#)

i get

Error Executing Database Query.
Syntax error or access violation: You have an error in your SQL
Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version
for the
right syntax to use near 'update) VALUES ('dddddd', 'dsfdfdfdsf

>> thanks but already been there.. done that
>> in access i would set the db asa date/time and use either
Now() or
>> Date() as the default and it was fine but mysql when i do
that enters
>> the words not the values
> I'm not sure what you're getting at here.  Are you saying that
in the
> database you've said use now() as the default?  If so, then
yes I've
> seen this issue too, but never persued it and just ended up
inserting it
>   as part of the query rather than try to default it in the
> I'm using mySQL, I have datetime and date fields in multiple
tables.  I
> use CreateODBCDateTime, CreateODBCDate and CF Now() as well as
the mySQL
>  now() function to insert dates/datetime into the database.
>> however, i didnt know that reserve words mattered in
variables to, i
>> thought it was just the db field names themselfs, are u sure
>> that? doesnt seem right to me.
> Strictly speaking no it doesn't matter, but it is good
>> im using the field as an int because it works with the php
>> date inserts using time()
> Hmmm... Dates and times do end up as purely a number when you
get into
> the lower levels of the database, which might well be
>  as Tom suggests, or a Julian date. Generally speaking though,
you give
> the database an appropriately formated date/time to a
date/time field,
> it stores it any way it feels like, but returns the data in
> format and allows you to index/search that data as a
>> that example i put up was just the last 1 i tried. i looked
on google
>> and didnt find an answer but saw some stuff about how it goes
into the
>> db must be a certain way.
>> but u'd think it wouldnt be a problem to just set the now()
>> and insert it but its choking. u'd think it would be a snap
maybe its
>> just my ghost in the machine again
> As Tom says now() returns an ODBC formated Date/time object.
> Unfortunately, there are no functions in CF to do what Tom
suggests, but
>  I'm sure it possible to work it out, if you really need
> Regards
> Stephen
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