Firstly, are you using nameConflict="Overwrite"? You'll need this to overwrite any existing file of the same name.

If you already are then you might want to check whether the error is being caused by virus checker locking the existing uploaded file while it checks for viruses, and thus preventing CF from overwriting it with the newly uploaded one. I came accross this on a server recently when trying to overwrite files which had recently been created dynamically. I wasn't using CFfile, but the symptoms sound pretty similar.
I think I got round it by renaming the target file before uploading the new one, then deleting the renamed one.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mary Jo Sminkey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 01 April 2004 15:28
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: CFFile Problem
> I've run into a rather bizarre problem with CFFILE and
> wondered if anyone else has seen something similar or might
> have an idea what would cause it. Here's the situation: I
> have two different pages that upload images to the server.
> I'm trying to upload the same image, to the same directory
> from these two different pages. I output the directory name
> just to make sure that it is indeed going to the same
> directory, and the cffile tags are the same. One of the
> functions works, the other throws an error that access is
> denied. Doesn't happen on my local machine, only on the server.
> Any ideas?
> Mary Jo
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