We're trying to consume a suppliers webservice, described as follows;

[in] STR account,
[in] STR password,

[out] LONG* longOutCount,
[out] STR* OutErrorMessage,
[out,retval] LONG* longOutStatus

No matter how I call the webservice we get the following back;

Web service operation "getNumberOfEntries" with parameters
{account={blah},password={blah},RETURN={},} could not be found.

I can only assume that it's the fact that this service can return
multiple variables, and this is something which doesn't appear possible
with coldfusion webservices.

I have tried all sorts, passing in all 5 of the params etc, but no luck.

Anyone have an experience with this sort of thing? Any work arounds? I
don't fancy doing the SOAP manually as this is just one of a dozen
functions, the rest of which are much more complex.

Craig Dudley
Senior Developer
Netstep Corporate Communications Ltd
Direct Line: +44(0) 1422 319712
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