Hmm, that's one I hadn't thought of. However, I don't think I'm up for
writing all those combos & logic (though your solution would execute

I award you 50 creativity points.

Thanks for the idea,

On Fri, 04 Jun 2004 14:16:56 -0600, in cf-talk you wrote:

>Here's a silly thought...
>Why not create several templates with your <cfmail> tag, but each one with
>a different combo of attributes? Then you simply call the appropriate
>template based on what attributes you've got for that particular send.
>I don't know how many different attributes you've got to deal with, hence
>can't say how many different combos it would result in...
>Either that, or have default values for those attributes that you use if
>you don't have values coming from whatever source. So if you had a 'server'
>var, you'd use it, but if not, use '' (for itself) or some other
>value as a default outgoing server. That would solve some issues.
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