
It was possible to send multi-part Email using CFMail in older version of

There, you heard me say it.

It is still possible (but now it is SUPPORTED) to send multi-part Email with
CFMail in CFMX 6.1.

In fact we took a HUGE step FORWARD in supporting multi-part email in 6.1.
You are upset because didn't provide a way to support inlined images as part
of this work.  As a result of IMPROVING CFMail, we broke some of the tricks
people (you and others) were using to work around our failing.  This is
because instead of CFMail being completely stupid, it tries to actually
handle multi-part messages.  When you try to trick it, CF (and JavaMail, the
Java API we use) gets upset.  I apologize for that.  Our (my) bad.  I
goofed, I ran out of time and I didn't make it a priority.  It didn't get

We have since implemented this support (in fact it was done right after 6.1
was shipped, because we/I realized our mistake).  It hasn't made it in to
your hands because it is new functionality/tag attributes and not a good
hotfix candidate.  That sucks for you.  I apologize for that too.

Good News: It *will* be in an updater that we have plans to release in the
fall.  It will be in Blackstone, the next major release of ColdFusion MX.

Tom Jordahl
Macromedia Server Development

-----Original Message-----
From: Barney Boisvert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 1:40 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Upgrading to CFMX

Be VERY careful around CFMAIL.  You can no longer send multipart messages
that are manually assembled; you have to use CFMAILPART.  No big deal if
you're sending both text and HTML format messages, but if you're doing image
inlining (for example), you're totally hosed, and will have to come up with
a non-CFMAIL solution.

Not very nice of MM to take such a huge step back in their email support
with CFMX, but oh well.  I've yet to hear a sigle macromedian acknowledge
that it was possible to send multipart mail before CFMAILPART in CFM6.1,
even though it has been possible since at least CF 4.0, when I started.  And
I've specifically asked the question.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris McGrath [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 9:17 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Upgrading to CFMX
> Hi all,
> I have been charged with upgrading a CRM application built using CF
> 5.0. Currently we are looking at upgrading 15 web servers (a
> mix of Win
> 2k and Win 2003).
> My question is what are some experiences you had in doing an upgrade
> from 5.0 to MX?
> Thanks,
> Chris

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