Hi All,

CFMX 6.1
Win2003 Server

I am trying to move an existing site to a new domain. The intranet app I
made was working fine under the unisyn.com domain - now we have moved it to
networkautomation.com (same server multihomed), and when I access the page
under the new URL my session variables don't appear to be "sticking". My
application doesn't see the session variables that were created on the first
successful logon so it is prompting to logon again each time I go to the
next page. The debug info shows that the session info isn't being retained
from page to page.

My logon code is in my application.cfm file and looks like this:
<CFAPPLICATION NAME="NetAutoIntranet" sessionmanagement="yes"
<cfheader name="cache-control" value="7200">

<cfparam name="session.USER_ID" default=0>
<cfparam name="session.NAME" default="">
<cfparam name="session.USER_EMAIL" default="">
<cfparam name="session.USER_FIRSTNAME" default="">
<cfparam name="session.USER_LASTNAME" default="">
<cfparam name="session.RIGHT_SUPPORT" default=0>
<cfparam name="session.RIGHT_QA" default=0>
<cfparam name="session.RIGHT_ACCOUNTING" default=0>
<cfparam name="session.RIGHT_ADMIN" default=0>
<cfparam name="session.RIGHT_SALES" default=0>
<cfparam name="session.RIGHT_DEV" default=0>
<cfparam name="showlogin" default="no">

<CFIF not isDefined('session.initialize_session')>
<cfset session.initialize_session = now()>

<cfset session.app_timeout = now() - createtimespan(0,0,45,0)>
     <CFIF session.initialize_session GTE session.app_timeout>
      <cfset session.initialize_session = now()>
         <cfset StructClear(session)>
         <cfset session.initialize_session = now()>
<cfset session.USER_ID=0>

If the sessions is 0 then show the logon form. - problem is the session is
being recreated each time so it doesn't see the previously created one.
This same code works great on the same server using a sifferent domain. What
could it be?

Thank you very much - this group has been a lifesaver - you have all been so

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