The subject didn't have anything to do with reports, but a list returned to
the user in it's entirety.  The discussion was about caching, and in this
case there is no need to return all 5000 records to the user because the
user will not page through them anyway without entering some sort of

Reports are a whole different matter and there are many ways to deal with
those, including, but not limited to, denormalized database tables as well
as caching.

-----Original Message-----
From: G [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2004 12:34 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: The search is killing the server. Please help!

To that end, when you work for the Government as I do, the ridiculous
quickly becomes the ordinary.  A query returning 5000 records, and a report
to display all those records, is not only a possibility, its LIKELY.

All you can do as a designer is get your objections on record, then do your
best to minimize the damage.....enter caching.
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