1) You do not need to worry about sending 25000 messages at once.  I
ship between 700,000-900,000 every month.  The main thing is to not have
cf spool the messages.  As of 6.1 you can set cf to send the message
directly to your mail server.  I have quite a bit of logic and radius
lookups, but we average around 1,000 email a min.

2) In order to see which ones fail, you have to choices, both of which
should be used.  
A. make the reply address a mailbox nobody checks, then use cfpop to
access that mail box and parse through the email, what you can not
automate recording, have that forward to someone.  You want to look for
things like 'mail box full', undeliverable, on vacation, I can go on and
on, but you can send it, start looking at the messages through a reader,
then build your page as you go.  Run the parser, then look to see what
you didn't get.  Personally, I use Perl for this.  I get much better
performance than using cfpop.

B.Use a mail server that will log failed deliveries.  I use Mail Engine
from Lyris, but you are looking at between $7k-$8k.  There are others
out there, but they will record to a text file or db during the smtp
communication that a message failed.  You can set up some server that
won't log to a db to send a message also, then you simply parse that box
as above.  

The main thing to remember is that some mail will fail during the
initial send, others you won't know until their mail server tries to
process the message.  This will happen if they have a gateway mail
server that simply receives email for a particular domain, then tries to
forward it on to mail server that actually knows who has a mail box and
it's status.  

Hope this helps.


-----Original Message-----
From: Asim Manzur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 12:43 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CFMAIL and mass mailings: problem?

<cfquery name="getList" datasource="mailing">
select name, email from table

<cffile action="" file="#file#" addnewline="yes">

My question is I am also getting involve in the same sort of
project. How can I create the log file for the email which have been
sent and the one which are refused/not send.


>If you are hosted somewhere than your own server, then I would
make sure
>your host doesn't have mails-per-hour-restrictions on your
server.  This is
>the case at our hosting company, and I would assume that it
would be smart
>for other companies to do it too.  I think ours is like 3000
per hour limit.
>Also, I may be wrong, but CFMX has the capability to send
thousands of
>emails per second to the spool.  At least that is how I
remember it.  So
>your seven hours may be a little long...
>At 01:27 PM 9/2/2004, you wrote:
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