Hi everyone,

Recently we were told we had to provide quite a few documents for SDLC
(Systems Development Life-cycle), one month before a project deadline, for
the COTS (Commercial-Off-the-Shelf) Product we are using for a government
client.  This product is CFMX 6.1.  After installation testing on the dev
and qas servers, the last two servers are now off-limits per the CIO until
all of this documentation is provided.  Initially all of these documents
were deemed unnecessary as what we provided was considered adequate.

There are roughly 30 documents listed, and we have been given samples and
layouts, however this is going to take some time to complete and since we
have limited resources, there is no way we are going to make the deadline of
October 1st at this rate.  My hands are tied as I am a sub-contractor for
the company who actually HAS the contract.  What I am looking for is,
hopefully, someone or some company that has documented a lot of this
information about CFMX already.

The following link explains what is needed:


Near the end the page (section 13.3.7) is what we were provided via fax.

If anyone can give me any insight, I'd appreciate it, since I am pretty lost

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