I think I might have sent this straight to David instead of to the
list.  If it double posts on the list, I apologize.  If the attachment
doesn't work on the list I will post somewhere else.

This is a sample of the email I send out to those who inquire.  I have
had many inquiries so I have made a template of such to make sending
them instruction easier and quicker.

I am able to create crystal reports from from my web browser using the
attached asp file.  I pass variables like so:

Just put "show_report.asp" in your form statement.  Here is an example.

   <FORM ACTION='' METHOD='post'>
    <input name="report_file" type="hidden" value="coverpage.rpt">
    <input name="pm_week" type="hidden" value="#varweek#">
    <input name="pm_year" type="hidden" value="2003">
    <input name="pm_areaabbr" type="hidden" value="#getinfo.areaabbr#">
    <input type=submit value='Cover Page'>

Anything that starts with pm_ is sent to the report to match the parameters
you can define in Crystal.

If your report has no parameters you would really only need

   <FORM ACTION='' METHOD='post'>
    <input name="report_file" type="hidden" value="coverpage.rpt">
    <input type=submit value='Cover Page'>

Your report needs to be in the /rptfiles directory and you need an /output
directory for the pdf file.  You might also need to give the output file a
name(actually I think it gives a default so nevermind that).  Can't
remember, cause I always pass client.cfid.  But it might require that.

I have attached the asp file I use.  This has been the only way I have been
able to do what you are talking about.

P.S. I hear that the upcoming blackstone release of Cold Fusion will have
this built in.  I hope so.

----- Original Message -----
From: David Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2004 10:38:22 -0400
Subject: Fw: Report Generator - Crystal Reports?


I would be interested in the asp code for the reporting and the
instructions for it.  We always need reporting options for web
applications we create here.  We have crystal reports 9 too, but we
have not been able to have reporting built into the web app.

Thanks a head of time
----- Original Message -----
From: David Mineer
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2004 12:14 AM
Subject: Re: Report Generator - Crystal Reports?

I use a fairly simple .asp page to dynamically generate pdf files.
You would have to have a version of Crystal Reports installed on the
server.  I have 9.0 installed and that provides the necessary .dll's
that the asp page interfaces with.  All my stuff is in cf, I only pass
the info I need to the .asp page as the last step on the way to
presenting the .pdf to the user in their web browser.  Be happy to
provide more info if you would like.  I have a copy of the .asp code
and instructions I have sent to others.  Let me know if you would like

I have been excited about the posibility of the new blackstone release
making this much easier.  Last year at max I got the feeling we could
look forward to it.  I hope so.  I never could make this work with
CFOBJECT even though I was able to find some info on it.  So, until
blackstone I just use the .asp page.  Someone smarter might be able to
make it work with cfobject and then you wouldn't need the .asp code.

----- Original Message -----
From: Jeff Chastain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2004 20:31:10 -0500
Subject: Report Generator - Crystal Reports?

I am working on an application that will need to generate a wide variety of
reports and invoices, preferable with output to the web and in PDF that
could then be printed or emailed.  This application is going to be used by
different customers, so that ability to brand the reports and invoices is
very important.

I have never used Crystal Reports, but I have heard it mentioned quite a few
times in the context of CFMX.  Can anybody make any recommendations as to
Crystal Reports or another method for building this kind of functionality?

-- Jeff________________________________ ________________________________
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