
> #1 - in a shared hosting environment, the "user" does not have the 
> ability to respool things, only the admin does.

#1 - the shared hosting is a problem, so I would expect those sites to use

> #2 - Other languages that do SMTP injection actually give an immediate 
> error that can be trapped by the page... like php will generate an error 
> immediately, because it connects to the SMTP server to send right away 
> (if you do it that way)...  with coldfusion, there's no way to know if 
> it has been sent, and in a shared environment, there's no OTHER way to 
> know if it's been sent either.

#2 - Of course you can do this, both in the admin and the tag:
SpoolEnable=no.  This attribute has been around since CFMX 6.0.

> I'd love to see a NOTIFY_ON_FAILURE option to CFMAIL that would allow CF 
> to send failure notifications to a specified address.   Ie, something 
> the programmers in a shared hosting environment could use.

We have the FailTo attribute which you can direct delivery failures to.
This assumes that the mail has reached the STMP server of course.  But you
have to see the irony of trying to send mail when I can't get a spooled mail
file to the mail server....


Tom Jordahl
Macromedia Server Development 

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Root [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2005 9:23 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: why do e mails go into the Undelivr folder? is there any impr
ovement in MX 7?

Tom Jordahl wrote:
> We explicitly do not have ColdFusion move undelivered mail in to the spool
> folder because we assume this should be a user initiated procedure.
> We do not retry as a "proper" SMTP server does because CF *isn't* an SMTP
> server.  It expects that you will have a reliable SMTP server that you can
> at least spool the mail to, and since it is written explicitly to get mail
> where you want it to go and it will take care of any transient failures.

Tom, that's all very interesting, but there are a few issues.

#1 - in a shared hosting environment, the "user" does not have the 
ability to respool things, only the admin does.

#2 - Other languages that do SMTP injection actually give an immediate 
error that can be trapped by the page... like php will generate an error 
immediately, because it connects to the SMTP server to send right away 
(if you do it that way)...  with coldfusion, there's no way to know if 
it has been sent, and in a shared environment, there's no OTHER way to 
know if it's been sent either.

I'd love to see a NOTIFY_ON_FAILURE option to CFMAIL that would allow CF 
to send failure notifications to a specified address.   Ie, something 
the programmers in a shared hosting environment could use.

  - Rick

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