Well the color is to highlight the menu for which page we are in at the
moment and this is determined by a url variable...


-----Original Message-----
From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: February 24, 2005 13:07
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Trying to optimize some code

CFDEV wrote:
> I have an include for a dynamic side menu and there is a lot of data 
> in the menus. There is 3 level of menus and hte guy who programmed it 
> made loops inside of loops with different queries. I'm looking for a 
> way to optimize this since it's taking 1000 ms to load.
> I looked at the cache options but it's not really an option since the 
> color of the menu change from a variable in the url.

The color is something you could put in a stylesheet. Then the query and the
HTML for the menu is the same all the time, you just include a few lines of
different CSS with each page.

> query menu
> loop over menu
>     query submenu for this menu
>         if there is submenu
>             loop over sub menu
>                 query subsubmenu for this submenu
>                     if there is subsubmenu
>                         loop over subsubmenu

This looks like something you could do in one query using outer joins.


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