Ok I see, cause there is that possibility in homesite but as you said,
homesite doesn't have code folding.



-----Original Message-----
From: Spike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: March 11, 2005 14:18
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: litlle cfeclipse question

Unfortunately word wrap in cfeclipse is a lot harder to implement than it
really should be.

The fundamental problem is that when you wrap the text, the line number
count goes off and you need to have a way of dealing with that for handling
errors and the like.

The main stumbling block is that the java classes that handle code folding
are largely from the core of Eclipse and aren't supposed to be sub-classed.
Since code folding does a lot of work with recalculating line numbers it's
not something we can work around too easily.

Maybe the best thing to do is to submit a bug report/enhancement request to
the Eclipse dev team here:



CFDEV wrote:
> How to have word-warp in cfeclipse?
> Thanks
> Pat

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