I'll leave it to others to classify it as a bug or a feature.

I get around it by doing this: 
<cfset tmpWhere = ListAppend(tmpWhere,c,"~")>
and then when done with all my list appends:
<cset tmpWhere = replace(tmpWhere,"~"," AND ","all")>



On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 11:07:53 -0800, Charles Heizer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a strange question, I think. Can a delimiter be only one character?
> I'm trying to do a sql statement and I wanted to use ListAppend and specify
> the delimiter as "AND"
> Example ...
> <cfset tmpWhere = ListAppend(tmpWhere,c,"AND")>
> But when I view the list I only see "A" as the delimiter.
> Is this a bug or is this how it should be?
> Thanks,
> - Charles

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