Well we did something like this and all queries are in Components so the db
variable config tells which component object to invoke. But as Steve
mentionned, all components of queries need to be adapted to the DB.


-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Brownlee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: April 11, 2005 16:14
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Building Applications for multiple DB's

All I can say is... My condolensces.

Making an application database independent is an extremely daunting and
time-consuming task.  There is no easy way to do it.  Since each database
engine has many different rules, procedures and operations, you basically
end up having to write all of the SQL again for each DB you want to support.
The only way around this is to write your original SQL to adhere to the most
basic ANSI standard - which is also hard to do because you then lose the
support for the some of the functionality in the DB you originally wrote it

Have a long and serious discussion with the powers that be at your place if
the massive amount of time and effort (a.k.a. money) needed to make your CMS
db independent will ever be realized in profits from sales.

-----Original Message-----
From: jonese [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 4:07 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Building Applications for multiple DB's

Anyone have any pointers or examples of CF or PHP application which have
been constructed with the ability to work on multiple Databases? IE the
application can easily be run on MSSQL, Access, MySQL etc and all the user
has to do is changed a config variable or point to another DB file.
 I'm trying to do the leg work now for a future upgrade to our CMS. Right
now it runs on MSSQL, but we want to make it so users can easily install it
into mysql, etc.
 thanks in advance.

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