> -----Original Message-----
> From: George Abraham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> All,
> So we are finally transitioning from CF 5.0 to CFMX 7 at a 
> point in the near future. I had Hal Helms book on CFCs in 
> CFMX when it first came out. I had only dabbled in CFCs till 
> now. Now I am hearing that the book may be outdated with 
> regard to the way CFCs in CFMX 7 handle the scoping of 
> variables, etc. Is this true? If so, where is a good resource 
> for learning more about CFCs, especially in the CFMX 7 
> environment? The Macromedia site appears to ignore this or 
> else I can't find any information.

I might be insane or I missed some responses, but I didn't see anyone give
you any links to information on CFCs.  There are several links off the
ColdFusion Developer Center page on macromedia.com:


There is an introductory article written by Ben Forta called "Ben Forta on
Architecture: Intro to ColdFusion Components" that you might start with.

Also, the ColdFusion MX Bible, written by Adam Churvis, has a lot of
information on CFCs in CFMX 6.1, which should be applicable to most
applications of CFMX 7.


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