Aaron Rouse wrote: 

> > I do not feel I benifit enough from this list to warrant 
> paying to be 
> >on it. Matter of fact I am not 100% sure I have benifited from this 
> >list in quite sometime. I know the last couple of questions 
> I posted I 
> >never got a complete answer from the list, and if I was 
> paying to be on 
> >this list then I would start to get irritated if the answers were no 
> >better than I could get elsewhere or if they were lesser 
> which is the case at times.

Larry Lyons wrote:

> If you do not think you're benefitting from this list then 
> why continue to subscribe? I am sure that it would be no 
> great disaster for the rest of us. The thing is that its also 
> a two way street, you need to contribute as well as consume.

What it comes down to is, you don't HAVE to do anything to be on this list.
Just because someone is not a prolific poster doesn't mean they don't
belong.  Did you ever stop to think that many people on this list donate in
different ways to this cause?  Just because we aren't singing the praises of
a fee-based list and whiping drool off our faces with addled glee when every
piece of OT tripe comes our way doesn't mean we don't care.


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