Have you looked at the file permissions settings on the jvm.config file?

Does the user CF runs as (see the services control panel) have
permissions to the file and directory?

Tom Jordahl

-----Original Message-----
From: Rebecca Wells [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 4:19 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFMX 7 upgrade woes

I upgraded our dev server to MX7 and for some reason it didn't like the
classpath setting. In the ColdFusion Administrator I'm getting the
following error message showing in the left side navigation panel:

Security: The requested template has been denied access to
The following is the internal exception message: access denied
(java.io.FilePermission C:\CFusionMX7\runtime\bin\jvm.config read)  
ColdFusion cannot determine the line of the template that caused this
error. This is often caused by an error in the exception handling

Has anyone else encountered this? How do I fix it since I can't access
the JVM settings screen now?

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