Normally you would check for the existence of login information, like
<cfif structKeyExists(session,"isLoggedIn")>

If it exists, continue, if not invoke methods to display the login part.
That last one can be tricky, depending on the application. If you have
an application, single paged, then you can easily do a cflocation to the
login part. 

If you have, for example an web application with iframes, you must
execute custom scripting to target correct frames, or display overlays
with login forms. It depends on your situation.

If you want to return the user, try looking at referrer variables. When
relocating the user to the login page, provide the referrer page in the
url. When the login is successful you can relocate the user back to that
referrer page provided in the url. There are many ways each with their
advantages, but this is just one of them.

Micha Schopman
Project Manager

Modern Media, Databankweg 12 M, 3821 AL  Amersfoort
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-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: dinsdag 26 april 2005 8:24
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Session Timeout and User Authentication 

I have a user authentication system in my application that allows you to
log in and view certain areas of the site based on a session variable.
I'm wondering how people handle the following scenario.

User logs in and has a browse of the site and finishes on a secure page.
Then does nothing and their session times out. Then they click refresh
on the page they're on (or click on a link to anther secure page), which
uses their session id. As the session has timed out, you need to
redirect them to log in again.

You can obviously catch the error in that page but this isn't very
scalable. You could have a list of pages in application.cfm that can
only be viewed if the session id exists and check that the current page
is in that list of pages. Again, not ideal. What does everyone else do
in this situation? Is this something CFLOLGIN can handle or is that only
suited to securing entire directories/applications. Can it work on a per
page or section of page basis. 


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