> So that begs the question:  what do people do when they develop web
> services for CFMX?  Do they just have that page of the administrator
> and hit "refresh" after changing the associated code?  That's fine,
> seems kind of annoying.

It is annoying.  We should fix that.  

How can we tell if the WSDL has changed?  Make a hash of the contents
and store that somewhere maybe?  How slow would this be for large WSDL
files?  Do we want to check every time we cfinvoke? We would have to.
Perhaps if this were controlled by a debug switch that could be turned
on for development.

We can't check the HTTP last-modified, as this will cause the regen of
the stubs (expensive!!) every time for generated WSDL; in particular,
for any service running on previous versions of CF.

Ideas welcome.

Tom Jordahl
ColdFusion Development

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