Hi Ben,

> Looks like <cfinvoke> should be avoided when calling web services.

This is absolutely not true.

I tried your example on CFMX 7 and was unable to reproduce your
behavior. I could change the CFC and the WSDL changed.  I could use the
same invoke (even without refreshing the stubs!) and it worked.  I
refreshed the web service and it still worked.

Be aware that CF jumps through a bunch of hoops to try and match
cfinvoke arguments with the correct function arguments in the proxy
stub.  The CreateObject() syntax gives you a web service object, and you
are then directly calling the proxy function that matches your

I see two possibilities:

1. The proxy function you are calling is not getting changed to match
the changes in the web service.
2. The Java "skeleton" that is created from your CFC and is publishes as
a web service by CF (via the web service engine) is not getting
regenerated, so proxy object generated from the WSDL is not changing.

One thing to check is that the WSDL for the service changes each time
you change your CFC. Do you have trusted cache turned on? If the WSDL
does change, this will eliminate #2.  Then you should make sure you are
refreshing the web service the in CF admin after verifying that the WSDL
has changed.  Check out the 'stubs' directory, do the web service class
files get updated?  If you continue to see the behavior after checking
these things, then we might want to drill further to see if the argument
matching code in CF needs fixing.

P.S. Going on vacation for a week tomorrow, so please CC me directly on
any response as I will be turning off CF-Talk.

Tom Jordahl
Macromedia Server Development

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