Easy dave, take a nip of your water ... breathe in ... breathe out ;)
Nobody is attacking anyone.

If you would suggest that CF should be part of teaching in schools, on
which education would you like to see it? Cooking? DTP? neither of them
have anything to do with programming except setting up the microwave by
pressing some buttons. If I ask you, where did you learn CF, should I
like you did throw with bathroom, or local pub? I'd probably say, in
practice on the job. I think a lot of CF developers nowadays just
happened to worked with the language.

Like I said, we have specific educations here, so proof me wrong. We
don't have university classes for PHP, Java, CF, C#, .. what we do have
are educations for Computer Sciences where they teach students how to
manage, setup and complete a software project without even looking at
languages. These are like I previously mentioned the education where
there is a big focus on theory.

Please try to read carefully what I am trying to say. The foundations
for CF programming are too weak in terms of architecturing, which is one
of the most importants aspects of software development. I think that is
why CF doesn't have a chance in educations. For CF there are specific
trainings, and training centers, hence the Macromedia Certified Trainer

If people as a graphics designer find it hard to learn CF, too bad. I
want to fly jets too, but I can't. That is why people make choices in
their lives.

Micha Schopman
Project Manager

Modern Media, Databankweg 12 M, 3821 AL  Amersfoort
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