I think this is what you are looking for.

CFSOXML from the Macromedia CF Developer Exchange.


Beware of the wrapping URL.




In a previous life, I used this tag successfully, back when I used cf4.5, so
I know it works well.  However, I have forgotten everything about it, and
apparently the company that developed it no longer supports it.


I successfully used it at a company that paid for search engine seeding, so
we used this tag to get all the search engine data, which was in xml.  We
also used it for a site that partnered with Amazon.  Both were highly
successful, and we never had any issues with the tag.


Good luck, hope it works, and I had to say this "tell your company to
upgrade!" :-P





Subject: CF 4.5 & SOAP

From: Doug Ford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 13:50:08 -0400

Thread: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/index.cfm/method=messages
157&forumid=4#206427> &threadid=40157&forumid=4#206427


Hi Folks -


I am relatively new to this forum... Long time stalker, first-time poster!


I was wondering if anybody has any experience with CF 4.5 (yes, I know it's
old) and SOAP.


The company who I process online ACH payments with has recently switched to
using a SOAP webservice and I need to figure out a way to do this...ASAP.


If that means using a .dll file or a Java package, I am all up for it.

I just need to make sure I can pass the variables that I need to pass.


Any and all help is appreciated!!






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