I'm trying to cluster CFMX 6.1 on JRun 4, but I'm getting stuck early
in the process.

I'm trying to register a remote server, but after I input the
parameters (remote JNDI port, host name, and server name), my server
appears, as I would expect. However, I would expect the server to be
running, since it is already running on the remote machine.

When I try to start it remotely (from the JMC), the start (green
button spawns a JS popup: "To start or stop a remote server, another
running server on the remote host must already be registered with the

It *is* already running on the remote machine.

Can anyone help me get past this one step? If I can get get a remote
JRun instance registered properly, I think I'll be well on my way to
J2EE session sharing in CFMX.


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