I had to throw this in:

"One of IBM's senior venture capital investment authorities is
encouraging software start-ups to follow the money, and back the LAMP
open source stack.

According to Drew Clark, director of strategic insights for IBM's
venture capital group, building software using Linux, Apache, MySQL
and Perl/PHP/Python (LAMP) is one of the key requisites for VC
investment today"

I'm a huge fan of CF, but in the UK CF jobs are becoming rarer than
hens teeth while PHP is going from strength to strength. It depresses
me, but I think CF is becoming increasingly seen as a specialist high
end solution due to the way Macromedia are now going for the
enterprise market almost exclusively.

The danger is that the various components of LAMP are just getting
better and better, the pool of developers is growing in size and
quality, and large public and private organisations are seriously
considering and implementing LAMP projects,  where that will leave CF
in 5 years I just don't know :(

I have an interview tomorrow for an organisation that uses CF, I
really hope I get the job as it's the first local CF position I have
seen for months and I hate to think when the next one may come up.

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