Drop it imho.

PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQL Server should be more than enough for a forum

-----Original Message-----
From: Stan Winchester [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 07 June 2005 17:13
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Should we support Access?

As many of you know from my previous posts we have had a forums
application in beta testing for a while. It was developed primarily
using SQL Server and MySQL, but wanted to offer support for Access &
PostgreSQL, but have found Access a pain to support. The problem is with
cfqueryparam throws errors with Access because the cfsqltype in many
cases is not the same for Access as it is for the other databases. For


Using a data type: "number" field size: "Long Integer" throws an error
"Database reported: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]Optional
feature not implemented" if the cfsqltype is "CF_SQL_INTEGER". If I
change the cfsqltype to "CF_SQL_NUMERIC" it works fine.


Another example:

A SQL Server, MySQL, ect. field data type varchar(500) with cfqueryparam
set as follows: <cfqueryparam value="#Comments#"
maxlength="500"> works fine in SQL Server, MySQL, ect., but breaks in
Access. If I remove the maxlength="500" it works.


I know most will agree Access is from the database of choice, so my
question is should we support Access considering the challenge, or drop
support? To be honest, I cannot imagine a forum actually being used in a
production environment using Access.


Thank you,

Aftershock Web Design, Inc.

by: Stan Winchester




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