I have created one, and you're free to use it. 

I haven't got the time to write extensive documentation, but an older
version has some example calls shown. If you miss any calls they can be
added easily because it is OO JS.


Micha Schopman
Project Manager

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-----Original Message-----
From: James Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: zondag 19 juni 2005 16:44
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Dynamic JS tree with AJAX

OK, I've been investigating this for a while and the major stumbling
block is finding a JS tree control that allows branches to be inserted
at runtime; everything I've found so far requires the whole tree to be
defined in some way before the actual tree content is generated.

Does anyone know of a JS tree that has an API for inserting branches
at runtime (e.g. from a remoting request via AJAX)?

Geeque - accept the geek within and get your friends off your back -

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