I'd go with a UNION. The reason a union is useful is that you want B.content
and C.content to appear as the same column in your record set, which is what
a union does well. Note that with unions, the order you list the columns and
the number of columns is critical. Also only add one ORDBER BY clause if you
need it right at the end.

SELECT A.status, B.content
ON A.status=B.status 


SELECT A.status, C.content
ON A.status=C.status

-----Original Message-----
From: Roberto Perez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, 20 July 2005 11:21 a.m.
To: CF-Talk
Subject: "or" operator in WHERE statement

Hi all,

Quick question: is "OR" a valid operator in a WHERE statement?

I have a main table A with a 'status' field which value can be either 'open'
or 'closed'. Then I have a table B where the 'status' field is 'open' by
default (not editable), and a table C where the 'status' field is 'closed'
by default (not editable).

I thought that if my WHERE statement was:

WHERE A.status = B.status OR A.status = C.status

......I would get data from either B or C, according to the value of 'status'
in table A. In other words, I though if the first condition was not met, the
second condition would be parsed and executed. But what happens is that the
field that is defined first in the SELECT statement is the one that is
always displayed in my output, regardles of whether the value of 'status' in
table A is 'open' or 'closed'.

If OR is not a possible operator, any idea how to achieve what I'm trying to
do (i.e., for the query to bring data from one table or the other according
to the value of a single shared field)? I tried joins with no good results

Thanks in advance,

Roberto Perez

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