I have a query that pulls member information, including typical info
such a name, address, etc - each member can belong to one or more clubs
and can also be in one or more volunteer capacities

There are 5 tables:
Members - basic member info
Clubs - list of clubs
Volunteer categories - list of volunteer categories
Volunteer inking table - links member id to one or more volunteer
Club linking table - links member id to one or more volunteer categories

Grouping by clubs OR Grouping by volunteer categories is not problem
using the group="club" for example within the cfoutput tag.  The
challenge comes in when I the want the volunteer category to also be
displayed for each member..

I've tried this, but it outputs the volunteer and club categories twice
for each member:

<table border="1">
<cfoutput query="get_members" group="member_id">
                <td>#fname# #lname#</td>
                <td><cfoutput>#club# (#club_id#)<br></cfoutput></td>
                <td><cfoutput> volunteer

any suggestions would be appreciated


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