It sounds like you just need a simple CMS, like Contribute.  I am not sure
why you'd want to delve into a framework you've never used before for a
simple site that sounds as if it won't require a lot of time or effort.  

I'd suggest sticking with however you currently organize your code (unless
it's totally out of control!) and build on it from there.  In my experience,
starting a project and then learning something new on the fly adds a lot of
time and stress; unless you absolutely HAVE to do this, I'd recommend
against it.

This isn't a dig against any framework or code organization method.  I'm
just pointing out that learning a new way to organize code and starting a
project at the same time where you'll be using said method might be a bit
daunting, unless you have enough time to allow for whatever learning curve
might be ahead.  If you do have the time, then by all means learn whatever
it is you think will help.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Connie DeCinko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 3:04 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Frameworks for simple web sites
> Now that I've had the opportunity to take a closer look at 
> Plum, I can see
> that it is a very powerful and good code generator/framework 
> for ColdFusion
> apps.  However, for fairly simple sites, it seems to be 
> overkill.  I could
> be wrong.
> What would you recommend for a simple site that's just a step 
> beyond simple
> HTML?  I have to build a site where the end-user needs to be 
> able to post a
> newsletter each month and make very minor changes, no 
> e-commerce or embedded
> apps.  I was thinking this might be an excuse to try out a 
> framework but am
> having second thoughts.

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