We are building a simple form mailer script and would like to email the
form fields in the same order as they appear on the page.

One solution I thought of would be to specify a list of the form fields
in the specific order.  However, that leads to duplication of code and
then what happens when I "forget" to add a field to the "sort order"

I, personally, don't like relying on this action, either.  I have full
control over how this will work, but I'm trying to build a solution that
is flexible enough that the web designer can work with.  I'm alright
with trying it, but once the browser/CF fail to send fields in the
desired order, I can figure out a different way.

The web designer "used to do it" this way and I want to be flexible and
try it, but I can also forsee what happens when you rely on things that
are not part of a standard.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 10:21 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Consistency of Submitted Form Fields

Personally, I wouldn't count on it.  That's something out of your
control and it's always dangerous to 'count on' something out of
control.  Besides, as far as I know, no one here can tell the future.

Why would they need to be in a certain order anyway?  What are you
trying to do?  Maybe there's another solution to your issue.


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