I think so, and in addition it only supports BlueDragon, not ColdFusion.

What I think we really need is a solid js library that can convert from
common server data types to common js data types so that we aren't locked
into another vendor (and in this case a vendor tied to another vendor).

Of course as ColdFusion developers, we can create a server side solution
that doesn't involve sending the data to an additional layer but at the same
time accomplishes the simplification of the data transformation. In fact,
doesn't cfajax do something like this, in conjunction with a client side
component and is free and available for ColdFusion?

I believe someone else was alluding to such a solution earlier as well.

- Calvin 

-----Original Message-----
From: wolf2k5 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 5:37 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Ajax and CFCs

On 8/15/05, Vince Bonfanti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Once you realize it's the WebORB server that's actually invoking CFCs 
> (on behalf of the client), and not the client invoking CFCs directly, 
> then it should be clear that invoking the CFCs on BlueDragon directly 
> makes more sense than invoking them via web services. It doesn't make 
> sense to use web services protocols to invoke objects that reside on 
> the same local server--the performance is much better to invoke them

Does that mean that WebORB only supports calls to CFCs on the same server?

If so, that looks a big limitation IMHO.


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