We also use smarterstats, and it meets most clients requirements. We even
give a 50 domain copy of it away with all dedicated servers.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Ferguson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 18 August 2005 21:33
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Stat app recommendation

I'll second this one. I'm running SmarterMail and SmarterStats and while the
versions I'm running aren't free, I love both apps. I do have the latest
versions of both.



Jim Davis wrote:

>Smarter Tools "SmarterStats" is pretty good - and is free for one 
>address (or at least it was).
>My only real complaints (which may have been addressed in the most 
>version) is that its browser typing is weak (it still lumps FireFox 
>into "mozilla" along with a dozen others) and there's no capability to 
>export reports to formats other than HTML.
>But it's pretty damn good for all that.  And definitely the right price.
>Jim Davis

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