> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom McNeer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, August 19, 2005 10:08 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: .NET suggestions
> So -- what resources would you folks suggest for CF Developers needing
> to learn to use the .NET framework? Adam and David Churvis have
> offered a class specifically for this purpose in the past, but they
> don't seem to have one scheduled at the moment. I'll try to contact
> them directly.
> Books, online resources (including MS, of course), whatever. What's
> been helpful to you?

Here are two books I have and recommend (both by Jesse Liberty):

Learning C#
This book will give you a good foundation and is for beginners to the
language or programming in general.  If you have prior programming
experience you should be able to get through this book fairly quickly.

Programming C#
If you have prior programming experience you can go right to this book, but
even if you do I'd suggest starting with Learning C# so you don't get
distracted by all of the more advanced areas of .net programming in this


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