> created using japanese? well that's the first problem. if your
encoding is unicode then i think 
> you need to use "uni" as the language when you build the collections.
and yes question marks 

I see. I assumed the cfindex "language" attribute referred to the
language being indexed, but apparently it refers to the character set,
or at least the implied character set (i.e. Japanese implies Shift_JIS).
Thanks for the advice. 

> what do you mean by "special intelligence to languages like Japanese"?

I assumed the stem and suggestions functionality in Verity would require
an awareness of the language in question, which I assume the Unicode
"language" wouldn't be able to provide. 

I realise these issues I've been having probably stem from Verity being
a third party application, but I think the CF docs could be a bit
clearer about what exactly a "language" is in Verity. 

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