At this point I would consider ListToArray(lURLs) and just use a number from
the select box to get the string from the array. . . 

At 01:13 PM 26/09/00 -0400, you wrote:
>I am making a customizable home page for our intranet. I have a list of all
>of the hyperlinks that are used on the site. I want the end user to be able
>to choose a number of links from the list so that they appear on their
>customized home page.
>Right now I have the drop down list working well, and the URLS that are
>chosen are written to a cookie file. But, of course, the cookie file returns
>a comma delimited list of the URLs, all at once. I want to be able to parse
>that cookie and actually show a list of the hyperlinks on the users screen.
>What gets returned right now, the value of #ShowFavoriteLinks#, looks like
>I may be going down the totally wrong path. If so, please say so!

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