I guess I was confused because I had downloaded Flex1.5 and was playing with 
that a little bit before I read all the Flex 2 alpha "hooplah".

So I was basically looking for the Flex 2 equivalent of the Flex1.5 server.
But there is none yet.  As you said, basically you compile the Flex code into 
an SWF which you can just plonk in your webroot.

So will the Enterprise Services be similar to what I was thinking of Flex1.5?
>From what I read at Macromedia Labs, it seems that with Flex Enterprise 
>Services, you can talk directly to the database?  Eliminating the need for 
>Coldfusion?  Or do I have this wrong?  I guess I wonder where CF would fit 
>into the picture with Flex Enterprise Services....(these are pretty much 
>rhetorical questions, I know Sean that you are not a Flex Representative :) )  
>I'm pretty much aiming these questions at anyone who may be able to shed some 
>light on the subject.

>On 10/25/05, Ali Awan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I was thinking that to use CF and Flex together there was some sort of Flex
>> server component that could be added to CF server.
>The Enterprise Data Services component of Flex 2 is/will be a server
>component but Flex Builder 2 can create standalone SWFs that use
>HTTP/SOAP to communicate with a server...
>> Would I be correct in assuming then, that the CF Adapter for Flex is similar
>> to Flash Remoting?
>...and the CF Adapter provides a new Flash Remoting style way of
>allowing Flex Builder 2 generated SWFs to communicate with CFCs
>directly. See:
>Sean A Corfield -- http://corfield.org/
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