Ok, now this is even more messed up.

The application is a 4 step form.

On the fourth step I got an error where the form fields aren't even passed
to the next page.


To put this in perspective, several thousand submissions go through daily
w/o error.  This is like 1 in a thousand.


Anyway, I have no clue, then, why in this case all of a sudden the form
fields don't exist in the final step of the form submission.




From: Ali Awan 
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2005 4:01 PM
To: 'cf-talk@houseoffusion.com'
Subject: Re: Problems with sessions in CF 5


This is even more confusing then.

Because I do javascript locations on other pages, except this one.

The only way people get to this page is via form submits.


Thanks for responding though, Nick.



> >> the http_referer does not exist.  


>One of the reasons could be in Internet Explorer browser,

>Cgi.http_referer doesn't not exist if the target page was requested via

>javascript, like window.location.

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