> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scott Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2005 11:52 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Sending Faxes through Cold Fusion
> I'd be careful with HTMLDoc, it doesn't support shrink to fit, it also
> doesn't compensate for IE's tendency to print off the right 
> side of the
> page. This is a pretty well known bug, and they had no 
> knowledge of it.
> Since generating PDF's is essentially a print process, the 
> bug falls over
> into the generated PDF. I had to abandon HTMLDoc because of this.

Actually, all document formats used in the application I mentioned are
fixed-width and are not problematic.  It's good you pointed this out,
though, because it took some experimenting to get the formatting right
because of the page cut-offs in some cases.  Different documents in this
case require different margins and formatting.

One thing I absolutely hate about htmldoc is it's lack of support for CSS.
It's quite a mature product in that it's been around for quite some time and
it's generally fast (as long as you don't generate a thousand-page pdf
file!), so it's still useful in certain situations for us.  Now, I
definitely wouldn't use it in an environment where it was under any sort of
significant load, but that's just based on my experience with it.  In that
case I'd probably go with ActivePDF products (server and webgrabber) for
HTML to PDF conversion.


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